BOC: Imaginos great v. mediocre, no bad timing

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Fri Dec 6 10:52:04 EST 1996

Quite possibly, yes, but then imagine what it would have been if Imaginos
had been released even earlier, after OYFoOYK, as some suggested...

One other thing should be mentioned.  While Sandy's poems on Imaginos
may have all been written by the mid-70's (I'm assuming anyway),
the music certainly wasn't.  The Subhman, Astronomy, and Flaming Telepaths
(which according to a recent Morning Final was also part of the cycle)
were done, *Secret Treaties*, but a good chunk of the music was either
unwritten, or in a vastly different format.  I think around the *Spectres*
sessions Albert had put together more of the songs, and an earlier
version of *In the Presence of Another World* (which, if memory serves,
was at least in part written by Joe).  I think Albert did alot more
work sometime prior to *Cultosaurus Erectus*, and then of course spent
time after he left the band in '81.  And while many of us (myself
definitely included) speculate on an *Imaginos* release in the 70's,
musically the album may have been very different - most likely a
fantastic album none-the-less, but the songs would not be as what we've
heard on the *Imaginos* album (or some of Albert's demos).  I guess in
one sense while *Imaginos* suffered from many factors, one thing that
it had going for it was alot of time put in by Albert over the span of
at least 10 years, and probably more.



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