HW: Re: Crop Circles at gig

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Aug 26 04:59:37 EDT 1996

In message <9608260010.aa28996 at uk.ac.ed.tattoo>, J Strobridge
<eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK> writes
>jill   (still waiting to hear the definitive explanation about crop
>J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
>                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
No explanation, Jill, but the first crop circles I ever saw were at the
Westbury festival/rout of the Convoy/Hawkwind show in '85.  It was the
morning after and in the field at the bottom of the hill, there were
these two circles. They weren't enormous, but it was weird, after all,
there was about 1,000 people on the hilltop and no-one had seen
anything. (Except Hawkwind!) There was a dozen or so people sitting on
the hillside looking at them when I walked past. "How do you think they
got there?" someone asked me. I sat down for 10 minutes or so, thought
about it, couldn't come up with an idea, wandered off. It made very
little impact on me, to be honest. It wasn't until the media announced a
couple of years later, that *they* didn't have a clue either, that I
started paying a bit more attention.

I also got wee'd on by a Skinhead at the same gig BTW, which wasn't
quite so cosmic ;)
Jon Browne

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