Help - double messages

Jerry Guizar jguizar at EPIX.NET
Mon Apr 22 17:17:58 EDT 1996

In <9604221034.aa24946 at>, on 04/22/96 at 10:34 AM,
   M Holmes <fofp at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK> said:

>Since my change of address for the list I'm getting two copies of
>everything. Is it just me?

   No problem here. Did you or are you having your mail forwarded from
your old address? I'm set up for BOC-L from two addresses -
this one is set to NOMAIL so I can send replies from this address. The
other one is set up to send and receive (I spend most of my time at this
one, but the mail server gets flaky occassionally. when that happens, I
just go to the other site, rename .forward, and get everything there. It's
also long distance to the other one :(

jguizar at
jguizar at

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