HW: mention in Melody Maker

Rob Stuckey etlrbsy at ETLXDMX.ERICSSON.SE
Wed Apr 10 13:26:59 EDT 1996

   Hawkwind get a mention in Melody Maker today. In their "Info Freako"
  section someone asks which band got into trouble with a picture of a
  wrongly wired plug.
   The reply tells of the PXR5 story, and surprisingly mentions that
  "Robert Calvert quitting the band and selling his guitar".
   Even more surprisingly, the writer says that Calvert formed the
  Hawklords then left at which point the remaining members reformed
  Hawkwind and recorded PXR5, but doesn't explain how he ends up singing
  on PXR5 if he'd already left the band.
   Aparrantly it was a guy called Mick Birch of Bromley who decided to
  wire a plug the same way as the PXR5 cover and ended up blowing himself
  accross his living room.

    bye - Rob

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