HW reference in Spin magazine

cjohnson cjohnson at SUR1A.HPSC.HISD.HARRIS.COM
Mon Oct 30 14:47:07 EST 1995

       Browsing a recent issue (Nov 95) of SPIN magazine, I discovered a
       brief chart describing Space Rock And Where It Came From (pg.32).

       It traces the evolution of space rock from Moroccan shamens to Sun
       Ra, to Pink Floyd, and then to HAWKWIND.  From there it goes
       directly to Krautrock (Can, Neu), to Eno, P-Funk, Pixies, The ORB,
       Irresistible Force, and finally to Sabalon Glitz.

       There is even a small photo of Dave, Harvey (in makeup), Huw, Alan,
       and someone I have not actually been able to identify (not Richard,
       and not Danny Thompson (I think)).

       The HW section states:
       "This intrepid British band mixed Druidic mythology, science
       fiction, and extended cosmic jamming to produce some of the most
       innovative space rock around.  Their trailblazing could have made
       them masters of the universe, but, sadly, they became the *real*
       Spinal Tap instead."

       Remember that scene in Spinal Tap when they are playing inside of
       various pseudo-druidic stage sets?  Wasn't there some kind of
       Stonehenge-resembling set there?  A la HW's "Atomhenge"?

       Captain Cloud

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