We all have our own versions...Brixton 21/10

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Mon Oct 23 08:53:35 EDT 1995

> I have been trying to figure out *why* they have chosen this
> 'backstage' format..one theory is that by concealing  the slippers/pipes
> they may have been attempting to attract a younger following-  after all
> not all of the audience were die-hard HW fans who would love them even if
> they played from hospital beds with drip-feeds?

        For all one can tell, they might _be_ in hospital beds with
        I dunno.  How can one attract any kind of following by standing
so far back that even the really keen punters in the front can't see you.
Surely a younger audience (that might even still include me--but maybe
not ...) would be willing to overlook a great deal if Dave were actually
perched up at the lip of the stage grinning stupidly and riffing like
a bastard?
        Balls, so to speak, are everything in rock and HW seems in some
danger of drifting into a sort of neutered territory where no one can
see.  Out of sight, out of mind?

> Despite what seems to be a page load of complaints I genuinly enjoyed the
> evening and was lucky enough to get a decent slice of Pizza too!

        Likewise.  Even the beer in the venue was better than I had been
expecting.  My own complaints are much more about things that _could_ be
really unfortunate if they grow out of control (ie.  Brock phones in his
performance from Devon, etc.).  I reckon that the new album will be better
than _IITBOTFTBD_ as well.  But will it be better or worse than _Electric

> ObEmbarrasement of the evening: Spotting Carl Anderson chatting up this
> small girl with long blonde hair , I mishear someone say "Carls talking
> to Al and Davey"  which in reality turns out to be Alan Davey, the blonde! -
> good stuff this 99p bitter.
> (ApOlogies to Alan & Carl :} )

        Alan has a much better right to be offended than I do :)


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