[HW] update on cover project

Allan T Grohe Jr iscladoc at FALCON.CC.UKANS.EDU
Wed Nov 1 00:30:30 EST 1995

On Sun, 22 Oct 1995, Johan Edlundh wrote:

> Which was the name we decided?

The titles we've come up with are:

From: Gary Wingert <gary at z-code.com>
Back in the Box - The Hawkwind Covers
Hawkwind Coverage
Hawkwind - The Covert Covers
Hawkwind's Got It Covered
I Am A Clone I Am Not Alone
Spirit of the Coverage (groan)
Under the Covers With Hawkwind

From: M Holmes <fofp at castle.ed.ac.uk>
Is it a title we're after? How 'bout "Shadows of the Hawk"?

From: Johan Edlundh <hawkjoe at eka.ericsson.se>
"Covering the Hawkwind Area" was my suggestion. I don't know if ths make
sense in your ears, but it sounds good to my non-anglosaxic ones :-)

From: Carl Anderson <canders at isr.harvard.edu>
        What!?  We're not going to name each tape _Masters of the
        Seriously, giving each tape an individual title seems good to me.
Unless you want to name the whole project _Covers of the Universe_ ...

From: scorch <mcartney at netcom.com>
Another title suggestion:
Covered In Chromium Feathers

From: HERBERT119 at delphi.com
Oh yeah, would "Returning Volumes Of Sound" be considered as a
title for the HW cover tape(s)? I like it, it's the title of
one of my own personal Hawkcomps and it does fit...

I think one of the above would do nicely as a title to the project,
perhaps with the subtitle "The BOC-L HW cover project '95" or somesuch.
Each of the three tapes would then have an individual title as well.

Thus far "I am clone..." and "Shadows of the Hawk" are probably the best
ones.  Any other suggestions/preferences?


Allan T. Grohe, Jr.                     Nomad of the Time Streams #159
iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu            Keeper of _The Dead Gods Book_
iscladoc at kuhub.cc.ukans.edu

        "Farewell, friend.  I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
                - Michael Moorcock, _Stormbringer_

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