BRAIN / BOC INdy CD's and Royalties

Rich Hamel rhame at CTP.COM
Tue Dec 26 23:16:20 EST 1995

> Deborah NEVER said Sony would be putting out Trepanation in February! But you
> musta taken my advice to check out the bar-- and sounds like you found a
> stronger brew there than I did! But you shoulda introduced yourself! You
> woulda also met lots of famous BOC-Lers who made the trip-- among them, Mssrs
> Rudich, Swartz, and the long lost Tox. It was great to see everybody!
> Especially Jeff and Lorree, who stood all the way on the train from NYC!
> Trepanation, as anyone who's been paying attention here, or coming to gigs
> lately, knows, will be in stores in late January, courtesy of Ripe &Ready,
> same outfit that distributed Eponymous.

Whoops, Sorry Deb, don't want to get you in trouble, you're right, I was
sampling the bar. Actually, it was a weird night. After much preparation,
my gaggle of friends mostly bailed (amidst a flurry of holiday related
excuses). I almost ended up not making it, but at the last second convinced
my sort-of-ex-girlfriend to go. After the gig, I wanted to introduce myself,
but she had maxxed out on endurance and wanted to leave. Sigh....

Nonetheless, I had a great time. I had never seen Al play live before, so now
I've seen all of the original BOC members, and now I know how much BOC has
suffered for the loss. Despite a not so huge crowd, Al and Deb seemed pumped!

One BOC song  I'd love to see you guys do the next time you are in town:
The Revenge of Vera Gemini. Has this been played at a Surgeons gig before?

Speaking of the next time you are in town, any idea when that will be?
Anywhere within 50 miles of Boston will do just fine!

!  Rich Hamel                     !                                       !
!  Cambridge Technology Partners  !  Asps?!! VERY Dangerous... You go     !
!  304 Vassar St.                 !  first!                               !
!  Cambridge, MA 02139            !                                       !
!  (617)-374-8266                 !  OK, Blue Jays, lets play ball!!      !
!  rhame at                  !                                       !
!                                 !  Toronto Blue Jays, 1992 Champions    !
!                                 !  Toronto Blue Jays, 1993 Champions    !

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