My Civilisation

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Thu Aug 31 08:36:03 EDT 1995

Charlie writes:

Secondly, while I _DON'T_ want to reopen the censorship debate
which was on here a while ago, I believe it was started when
someone made a comment about the "bleep" on the live version of
Godzilla during Eyes's introduction, No-one has yet commented
on the fact the the line (I think it says) "Why give a flying
fuck about AIDS" is printed in full on the lyrics on the insert,
but the expletive is deleted with a "bleep" when Deb sings the line
on the track. It just seems a bit incongruous to me.

Well, I made a comment on it when I provided the list with a review
of the disc.  Here's what I said:

Interesting that the word "fuck" is
bleeped on the disc - this strikes me as out of character for The Brain
Surgeons, but perhaps they've already got plans to release this as a single?

Of course, looking at my comment, I'm thinking, "well, perhaps it was
bleeped because that's exactly what I would expect the Brain Surgeons
NOT to do"  Like, the Brain Surgeons refusing to be typecast.  Although,
I thinkg this song would be a great single (and it's my favorite on the
disc), so maybe the bleep is needed . . .

Hey Al/Deb - what's the deal with the bleep?


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